The Enneagram Personality Types IQ Matrix breaks down nine interconnected personality types that can help us to better understand ourselves and other people’s behavior in social situations. Each of the nine personality types is represented by the points of a geometric figure called an enneagram. This enneagram shows how different types of personalities are interconnected in various ways. Each of the nine personalities, subsequently, integrates with other personalities at certain points on the enneagram. Understanding these integrations can help us to figure out people’s motives and behavior in social situations.
The Enneagram Personality Type is often used as a typology to gain insights into workplace dynamics. In spirituality, it is commonly presented as a path to higher states of being. Using it can help us gain a deeper self-understanding while also promoting self-development.
Here is a quick breakdown of each branch of the Enneagram Personality Types mind map.
- Enneagram Types: Each branch of this IQ Matrix breaks down the nine Enneagram Personality Types. These types include The Reformer, The Helper, The Achiever, The Individualist, The Investigator, The Loyalist, The Enthusiast, The Challenger, and the Peacemaker. For each personality type, the map breaks down healthy and unhealthy attributes, along with their fears and motives. Understanding these three variables can help us to know ourselves on a deeper level. Moreover, they can help us to recognize the subtleties in the behavior of other people. As a result, we are then better able to adapt to how we interact with others.
This map provides a roadmap and framework for understanding the nine Enneagram Personality Types. Referencing it regularly and committing it to memory will help you to embed these principles into your subconscious mind.
A mind map, of course, does this beautifully because it mirrors the synaptic connections made in your brain as you try to establish new habits of thought and behavior. It brings together key concepts and ideas that help your brain to fully integrate and process this information. The brain, subsequently, rewires itself as it attempts to establish new habits of mind. It’s an ideal tool for creating lasting change and transformation.
As you work through this map, you will progressively become more familiar with the differences between the nine Enneagram Personality Types. As a result, you will more readily recognize each personality type in the people you interact with. This will, subsequently, help you to adapt your behavior and approach to better meet the needs of those around you.
For more information about Enneagram Personality Types, please visit The Enneagram Institute.
When you purchase the Enneagram Personality Types IQ Matrix you will receive:
- A PDF copy of the IQ Matrix, which you can use for printing in high resolution.
- A JPG image file of the IQ Matrix, which is ideal for viewing on tablets and mobile devices.
- A Desktop Background version of the map you can use for reference on your computer.
- A MindManager file for those who wish to edit the content of the IQ Matrix.
Additional visual resources and variations of this IQ Matrix might be added to your account page at no extra cost in the future.