Self-Concept Transformation


The Self-Concept Transformation IQ Matrix and accompanying 27 page eBook explores how to take charge of your self-concept to raise your self-esteem and improve your self-confidence. A self-concept is an understanding you have of yourself that’s based on your personal experiences, body image, your thoughts, and how you tend to label yourself in various situations. It’s an all-encompassing awareness you had of yourself in the past, the awareness you have of yourself in the present, and the expectations you have of yourself at a future time. Moreover, your self-concept is built upon perception — upon how you perceive yourself based on a lifetime of experience.

Your self-concept is somewhat a collection of beliefs you have about yourself that encapsulates your self-image, self-ideal, and your self-esteem. When you take the time to strengthen your self-concept you naturally begin to feel better about yourself and more in control of your life.

Who is this map for?

  • Anyone lacking in self-confidence or struggling with low self-esteem.
  • Anyone who has a poor self-image and wants to feel better about themselves.
  • Anyone who would like to know how to transform their self-concept in optimal ways.

“We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done.”  Henry Longfellow

The Self-Concept Transformation IQ Matrix and accompanying 27 page eBook explores how to take charge of your self-concept to raise your self-esteem and improve your self-confidence. A self-concept is an understanding you have of yourself that’s based on your personal experiences, body image, your thoughts, and how you tend to label yourself in various situations. It’s an all-encompassing awareness you had of yourself in the past, the awareness you have of yourself in the present, and the expectations you have of yourself at a future time. Moreover, your self-concept is built upon perception — upon how you perceive yourself based on a lifetime of experience.

Your self-concept is somewhat a collection of beliefs you have about yourself that encapsulates your self-image, self-ideal, and your self-esteem. When you take the time to strengthen your self-concept you naturally begin to feel better about yourself and more in control of your life.

Here is a quick breakdown of each branch of the Self-Concept Transformation mind map.

  • Understanding Your Self-Concept: The first branch of this map defines and outlines the three components that make up a self-concept. These components include your self-image, self-ideal, and self-esteem. This branch also highlights the impact that our self-concept has on our lives. Moreover, it identifies the internal and external sources that impact our self-concept.
  • The Symptoms of an Unhealthy Self-Concept: The second branch of this map describes the debilitating symptoms of a low self-concept and the impact that this can have on our lives. It also presents examples of several emotional coping strategies that people tend to use when they have a low self-concept.
  • Transforming Your Self-Concept: The final branch of this map walks you through several self-concept transformation methods you can use to improve your self-concept. This branch also provides you with several self-reflection questions that will raise your personal power, improve your self-esteem, and boost your self-confidence.

This map provides a roadmap and framework for improving your self-esteem and boosting your self-confidence. Referencing it regularly and committing it to memory will help you to embed these concepts and ideas into your subconscious mind.

A mind map, of course, does this beautifully because it mirrors the synaptic connections made in your brain as you try to establish new habits of thought and behavior. It brings together key concepts and ideas that help your brain to fully integrate and process this information. The brain, subsequently, rewires itself as it attempts to establish new habits of mind. It’s an ideal tool for creating lasting change and transformation.

Stick with these principles, memorize and incorporate them into your life, and you will progressively overcome the limiting perspectives that are holding you back from being your best self and living your best life.

When you purchase the Self-Concept Transformation IQ Matrix you will receive:

  • A PDF copy of the IQ Matrix, which you can use for printing in high resolution.
  • A JPG image file of the IQ Matrix, which is ideal for viewing on tablets and mobile devices.
  • A Desktop Background version of the map you can use for reference on your computer.
  • A MindManager file for those who wish to edit the content of the IQ Matrix.
  • A printable PDF eBook summary of this IQ Matrix to help you better understand each concept.

Additional visual resources and variations of this IQ Matrix might be added to your account page at no extra cost in the future.

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