The Habit Builder IQ Matrix explores a proven process for building empowering habits and uninstalling outdated negative habits. Our entire lives are run by psychological patterns and algorithms that determine how we think, what we do, and ultimately the results we realize. Most of the time, these patterns run on auto-pilot in the form of habitual behaviors that impact how we feel and act at any given moment. If you don’t like where your life is headed, you can start taking control of your habitual behavior patterns and begin turning your life around.
This map takes you through a proven series of steps that reveal how to install optimal habits and how to uninstall habits that no longer serve your best interests. Use this map as a guide to help you become the person you’ve always wanted to become but never dared to pursue.
Here is a quick breakdown of each branch of the Habit Builder mind map.
HABIT BUILDING: Habit building begins with getting very clear about the goals you want to achieve and the person you would like to become. The first branch of this map walks you through a series of questions that will prepare you for the habit-building process outlined in the next branch.
INSTALL HABIT: Having mentally prepared yourself for the habit-building process, it’s now time to install your new habit. The second branch of this map takes you through a five-step process for installing a new empowering habit that has the potential to transform your life for the better. The steps of this process include (1) deciding what habit to install, (2) assessing whether your motivation and capabilities are high enough to make this change, (3) setting an anchor based on an existing behavior and linking that to the habit you are installing, (4) acknowledging your wins and failures, and (5) committing yourself fully to the process until the desired habit has been successfully installed.
HABIT DELETION: There might also be habits in your life that no longer serve you or may even sabotage your progress as you work toward your goals. Eliminating these habits should be your #1 priority. The third branch of this map walks you through a series of questions that will prepare you for the habit deletion process outlined in the final branch of this map.
UNINSTALL HABIT: Having mentally prepared yourself for the habit deletion process, it’s now time to uninstall a habit you no longer want in your life. The final branch of this map takes you through a five-step process for uninstalling a self-limiting habit that has the potential to sabotage your progress as you work toward your goals. The steps of this process include (1) deciding what habit to uninstall, (2) assessing whether your motivated and capable of deleting this habit from your life, (3) removing the prompt that is triggering this habit, (4) making the habit harder to do, and (5) committing to the process.
This map provides a roadmap and framework for installing and uninstalling habits to help you optimize how you work and live your life. Referencing it regularly and committing it to memory will help you to embed these concepts and ideas into your subconscious mind.
A mind map, of course, does this beautifully because it mirrors the synaptic connections made in your brain as you try to establish new habits of thought and behavior. It brings together key concepts and ideas that help your brain to fully integrate and process this information. The brain, subsequently, rewires itself as it attempts to establish new habits of mind. It’s an ideal tool for creating lasting change and transformation.
When you purchase the Habit Builder IQ Matrix you will receive:
- A PDF copy of the IQ Matrix, which you can use for printing in high resolution.
- A JPG image file of the IQ Matrix, which is ideal for viewing on tablets and mobile devices.
- An Idea Generation Template of the IQ Matrix that provides you with a segmented canvas for brainstorming ideas about this topic.
- A Free Form Template of the IQ Matrix that provides you with an almost blank canvas for exploring this topic in a multitude of creative ways.
- A Memory Recall Template of the IQ Matrix that helps you recall the information contained within the map from memory.
- A Language Translation Template of the IQ Matrix that provides you with a canvas for translating the content of this map into another language.
- A MindManager file for those who wish to edit the content of the mind map (text only version).
- An Xmind file for those who want an alternative to MindManager (text-only version).
- A Desktop Background version of the map you can use for reference on your computer.
- A Second and Third Version of the map with an additional layer of text that gives you deeper insights into this topic.
Additional visual resources and variations of this IQ Matrix will be added to your account page at no extra cost when made available.