The Fear of Judgment


The Fear of Judgment IQ Matrix explores how to overcome the fear of being judged, ridiculed, and criticized by other people. The map examines what the fear of judgment is and how it typically impacts our life in negative and limiting ways. It breaks down how to reframe judgments in helpful ways and provides you with a step-by-step process of what to do before, during, and after being judged. Following these guidelines will help you to work through and overcome your fear of judgment in more optimal ways.

Who is this map for?

  • Anyone who limits their choices and decisions because they fear being judged by others.
  • Anyone who typically takes people’s words too personally and gets riled up emotionally.
  • Anyone who would like to understand what it takes to overcome their fear of judgment.

“When you truly don’t care what anyone else thinks of you, you have reached a dangerously awesome level of freedom!”  Unknown

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The Fear of Judgment IQ Matrix explores how to overcome the fear of being judged, ridiculed, and criticized by other people. The map examines what the fear of judgment is and how it typically impacts our life in negative and limiting ways. It breaks down how to reframe judgments in helpful ways and provides you with a step-by-step process of what to do before, during, and after being judged. Following these guidelines will help you to work through and overcome your fear of judgment in more optimal ways.

Here is a quick breakdown of each branch of the Fear of Judgment mind map.

Fear of Judgment: The first branch of this map explores the origins of the fear of judgment and how it tends to manifest in our lives. It also outlines the negative impact that living with a fear of judgment can have on us as individuals.

Understanding Judgments: The second branch of this map helps you reframe your fear of judgment in more optimal and helpful ways. It provides you with insights into the reasons why people judge and their state-of-mind when making a judgment. Their judgment may seem harsh, but it’s often not as bad as we make it out to be.

Overcoming Fear of Judgment: The remaining three branches of the map explore how to overcome your fear of judgment. Specifically, these branches break down what to do before you are judged, while you’re being judged, and after you are judged. Use these guidelines to help you deal with your fear of judgment in more optimal and helpful ways.

This map provides a roadmap and framework for working through the fear of judgment. Referencing it regularly and committing it to memory will help you to embed these principles into your subconscious mind. Only in this way will you develop optimal habits of mind and patterns of behavior that will help you make the most of situations when you are harshly being judged by others.

A mind map, of course, does this beautifully because it mirrors the synaptic connections made in your brain as you try to establish new habits of thought and behavior. It brings together key concepts and ideas that help your brain to fully integrate and process this information. The brain, subsequently, rewires itself as it attempts to establish new habits of mind. It’s an ideal tool for creating lasting change and transformation.

When you purchase the Fear of Judgment IQ Matrix you will receive:

  • A PDF copy of the IQ Matrix, which you can use for printing in high resolution.
  • A JPG image file of the IQ Matrix, which is ideal for viewing on tablets and mobile devices.
  • A Desktop Background version of the map you can use for reference on your computer.
  • A MindManager file for those who wish to edit the content of the IQ Matrix.

Additional visual resources and variations of this IQ Matrix might be added to your account page at no extra cost in the future.

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