Dealing with Manipulative People


The Dealing with Manipulative People IQ Matrix explores how to handle manipulative people whose primary objective is to control and influence you. The map initially breaks down how to recognize when a person is trying to manipulate you. Recognizing who these people are is, however, only the first step. You must also ensure that you do not get drawn into their endgame. With that in mind, this map also walks you through a six-step process you can use to protect yourself against their manipulative tactics. These steps include acknowledging your rights, committing to trusting yourself, observing people’s behavior, choosing to ignore or avoid people, questioning people’s intentions, and standing your ground.

Who is this map for?

  • Anyone who struggles with low self-esteem and is prone to succumbing to the influence of others.
  • Anyone who would like to learn how to spot the subtle behavior patterns of manipulators.
  • Anyone who feels as though they are being manipulated by others and wants to break the cycle.

“I refuse to be subjected to your mind games and lies. I will not play a part in your constant drama. You will not manipulate me, nor will you control me.”  Unknown

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The Dealing with Manipulative People IQ Matrix explores how to handle manipulative people whose primary objective is to control and influence you. The map initially breaks down how to recognize when a person is trying to manipulate you. Recognizing who these people are is, however, only the first step. You must also ensure that you do not get drawn into their endgame. With that in mind, this map also walks you through a six-step process you can use to protect yourself against their manipulative tactics. These steps include acknowledging your rights, committing to trusting yourself, observing people’s behavior, choosing to ignore or avoid people, questioning people’s intentions, and standing your ground.

Here is a quick breakdown of each branch of the Dealing with Manipulative People mind map.

  • Manipulative People: The first branch of this map helps you to better understand the manipulation game that some people play. Specifically, the branch breaks down the intentions and goals that manipulators have in mind, while also exploring the various behavioral tactics they use that reveal their manipulative ways.
  • Overcoming Manipulation: The second and third branch of this map breaks down a six-step process you can use to help you overcome the manipulative tactics that these people use against you. Using this process of steps will help give you the self-confidence you need to overcome their influence and controlling nature.
  • Further Guidelines: The final branch of this map presents you with further guidelines and ideas to help you break free from a manipulator’s grasp. Moreover, there are several suggestions here that will help you to avoid falling into their grasp in the first place.

This map provides a roadmap and framework for dealing with manipulative people. Referencing it regularly and committing it to memory will help you to embed these principles into your subconscious mind.

A mind map, of course, does this beautifully because it mirrors the synaptic connections made in your brain as you try to establish new habits of thought and behavior. It brings together key concepts and ideas that help your brain to fully integrate and process this information. The brain, subsequently, rewires itself as it attempts to establish new habits of mind. It’s an ideal tool for creating lasting change and transformation.

As you progressively work through this map you will gain more confidence in yourself and in your ability to stand up to bullies and manipulators whose only intention is to control you. With this added boost of self-confidence, you will feel greater self-assurance that you can think independently without being overly influenced by other people.

When you purchase the Dealing with Manipulative People IQ Matrix you will receive:

  • A PDF copy of the IQ Matrix, which you can use for printing in high resolution.
  • A JPG image file of the IQ Matrix, which is ideal for viewing on tablets and mobile devices.
  • A Desktop Background version of the map you can use for reference on your computer.
  • A MindManager file for those who wish to edit the content of the IQ Matrix.

Additional visual resources and variations of this IQ Matrix might be added to your account page at no extra cost in the future.

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